Keen on British literacy and phrasing. Everything terrific. Nothing redundant. All is well. Saved my weekend. Paramount respect to Hugh Grant in the role of homosexual Jeremy Thrope and talented Ben Wishaw in the role of queer Norman Scott. Best Supporting Role goes to NHS Card.
片子的assumption是所有人都理解为何这件事是“about the whole world”然而不理解宗教信仰对人影响有多深的人看这片可能会少很多感触片子节奏把握地非常好全方位多角度地讲故事井然有序两个多小时一点不觉得久虽对话题深挖点都聪明地蜻蜓点水而过但它成功reinforce了报道的意义午夜秀场视频也是很好地完成任务